What’s Wrong With Supply Chains?

July 29, 2021

WasteBuild is a year round platform for showcasing the latest materials, techniques, solutions and innovators themselves that are helping to deliver circular construction schemes today. Their aim is to support the transition towards a circular and regenerative built environment and in the process to tackle the climate emergency. In the face of the current coronavirus pandemic WatseBuild feels it is more important than ever that they support the construction sector to accelerate out of lockdown and to kickstart the campaign towards circularity.

The organization has launched WasteBuild EVERYWHERE, an online event from 15-16 July, with paid conference and free exhibition passes available. WasteBuild EVERYWHERE will run online from 15-16 July as part of a week-long programme of architectural content alongside WAF. WasteBuild will remain focussed purely on circular and regenerative solutions for the built environment and to showcasing tangible practical and scalable solutions to help you reduce the embodied carbon in your next project.

Part of this year’s programme will be a panel hosted by SOUR, titled What’s Wrong With Supply Chains? Panelists are Thomas Marinelli, Head of Sustainable Design and Sustainable Products at Signify, Kai Kuramoto, Founder of Cleanbodia, Lisa Morales-Hellebo, VC, entrepreneur and Fashion Tech Community Catalyst REFASHIOND and Olcay Silahlı, Co-founder & CEO at Fazla Gıda.

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