68 - Diagnosis to Self-Identification ft. Charli Clement

December 20, 2021


Charli Clement (she/her) is a multiple neurodivergent and chronically ill activist, writer and speaker on topics including neurodivergence, chronic illness, asexuality, and mental health, with by-lines in VICE, The Metro, The Unwritten, and Conscious Being, alongside undertaking Expert by Experience roles.
Charli is a Politics and International Relations student from the West Midlands, as well as an activist and volunteer. She is an autistic Expert by Experience working with NHS Black Country on making mental health care better for autistic young people, and work with the West Midlands CAMHS Provider Collaborative on Participation and Engagement as an EbyE. Charli is also a Lived Experience Consultant for the British Institute of Human Rights.

Charli is a 2019 national #iwill Ambassador for youth social action, alongside local volunteer with the Scouts and member of the national Scouts Community Impact Group working on campaigns including A Million Hands, Scouts For SDGs and Care For Care Homes.

Mentioned in this episode:

Instagram: @charliclement_

Twitter: @charliclement_

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